
Rain, rear-ended, and rant

It rained a lot today, did I miss the forecast? I must of missed it because I splashed around in my havi's,tank top, and jeans like it was a perfect spring day. Of course, knowing myself even if it was a chance of rain I still would be in flops or as my Mom calls them go-Aheads, which is such a 70's fantastic word for sandals. I got rear-ended it was minor on my end, not a bruise on my car, but it was scary because I saw the vehicle coming at me. I think they need to create some kinda of warning device on the back end of your car, like a loud horn or bright light to alert cars that I am stopped or stopping! Normally, I don't mind driving in the rain but I treked from Carlsbad to Escondido to Leucadia to La Jolla to PB to La Jolla to Carlsbad today. I spent all week in La Jolla, felt like pitching a tent on the beach to avoid having to drive back and forth. I am doing a few projects for a designer, she is a great lady, I love her enthusiasm and energy. I offered up my graphic design services on top of photography, which I can and have study but its been awhile, and something very intricate as a tri-fold postcard is more complicated than one would imagine. Thank you Drew for meeting my frantic self today and thank you Michelle for modeling for me at such a last minute. I just informed her that the cards will be showed at such stores as Fred Segal, Nordstrom's, Bergdorf's, Neiman Marcus and other high-end stores across the world, we shot them in the most ghetto place possible in La Jolla, if that actually exists, and with my luck there was an old red thunderbird sitting in the parking lot. I love old thunderbirds. My Dad had one for quite sometime, it was gunmetal grey, and I thought I was the coolest kid when he picked me up from swim practice.

My rough drafts...

Sleepy time!