
More photos, less talk

Ventura. Surfers Point. Oh how I miss Ventura. The background was planned I wanted to use the Oxnard plant as the background, so the timing was not lucky it was preparation meeting an opportunity. Not the greatest picture but the majority of pictures I like the most are for sentimental reasons.

Janis. My beautiful God daugther, smartest and funniest kid I know. She is 7 now which makes me feel like an old lady.

A photo story I did for a week on the streets in Santa Barbara studying the homeless. For a couple days it rained and I could not find anyone until I ended up in library which was where I found that majority of people of all walks of life hang out.

My flatmate Sus. I love shooting friends, its like playing an adult version of dress-up. My favorite thing about this picture is the contrast between the rusty factory ( which I had to sign a waiver saying If I died/or was injured I could not sue them, it was my favorite place to shoot films/stills in Ojai) and her wrap-dress and my favorite color is turquoise.

Recent friend shot: My best buds Max, Jeff and I on top of their beach house in Manhattan.

This summed up the feeling I had walking through Central Park. A man playing Jazz music underneath a bridge.

A photo from yesterday. I ended up on work phone calls all afternoon-evening so not much time to free shoot, but I did end up at Wind and Sea and found some very cool light on mossy rocks. I love La Jolla beaches.

Gut Tschus!!! Which is Good bye in German. I am working for German Glamour for the next few days and I decided to learn a couple of the basics.

Hope you enjoyed my random blog of pictures.

Aloha to all.
