

Last night, my good friend Chris and I went to a concert. We went to see Beethoven's Seventh symphony and Michael Daughetry's Fire and Blood. Daughetry's Fire and Blood is inspired by Motor City and by a Diego Rivera mural called “Detroit Industry" all was quite extraordinaire, and you could hear the sound of machinery in the music.

I wish I had at least the amount of musical talent that those musicians have on just one of their fingers.

Today, I shot a fundraiser at a yoga studio, here is an image of the instructor leading the class. I really like this image.

I sat there barefoot in silence, trying to maintain my ability to be a fly on the wall and not break the serenity that was in the room. I maintained my focus on the scratches on my camera, thinking of the characteristics that are now on my camera and what stories or subjects were the ones that made the scratches.

It is chilly now, I sit with a blanket over me, my lap is warm from my computer and my toes are icy. Welcome December