An evening drive.
Hammock overlooking 25 acres of vines. I strive to retire like this.
Fralich Vineyards.
Saturday evening drive with my Dad turned into a stop at the Fralich family vineyard, Mrs. Fralich, Ruthie was outside with Freckles, the dog and waved us in, Harry ( Mr. Fralich) already in his pajamas came outside with a bottle of wine, a really enjoyable- witty- lively couple in their seventies, they also have one of my favorite wines, nice night sipping on wine has the sun fell beneath mountains.
Moo Cow at sunset.
I drove home from my visit, took about nine hours in the car, before I left I made my Dad some mix cd's and myself as well. Some how the CD's got mixed, and when I got in my car I had my Dad's playlist playing... Merle Haggard- Buffet- Andy Griffith Blue grass. It was almost fitting for the scenery, until I got to LA.
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